Happy New Year 2022
And I hope you, too, had a nice holiday season and are enjoying a healthy, happy start to the new year 2022.
I enjoyed Christmas Eve at my daughter-in-law Fernanda's parents' home close by in Orem with some of my grandchildren and some of her relatives. Hannah, Nick, cousin Nick, Hannah and Simon.
Marc (who does not have spiky green hair!), cousins, Uncle Carlos, Aunt Vania, Parents Gil and Sandra, and Fernanda
New Year's Day playing games, looking at photos and eating
As I did this 1000 piece puzzle entitled "Love one Another" I reflected on the wonderful people I am fortunate to know and love, and all those I hope to meet and know better in 2022.
My yard is a winter wonderland sometimes! I include the mountains as part of my backyard.
I attempt to shovel at least my front walk to prevent ice buildup. Oh, for California weather! I do enjoy walks nearby in the snow though. My street just a few days later... still cold, though!
It was such fun to see so many former Palo Altans at a wedding open house for Tyler and Anna (Arnett)Downer in Springville.
Matt and Katie Steiger, Brandon and Jennilyn Woolff, Grace Downer, Tyler and Anna, Miriam, Deanne and Jim Welch, Janet Asay, Dave Hatch, and son, and Cory and Heather Williamson.
I was so sorry to be unable to attend Aaron and Christina Miner's wedding in Phoenix. Mission leaders Todd and Sister Andrea Miner were able to make a quick trip from their mission in Cameroon, Africa, to attend the marriage of their son. (with son Spencer and family). *******
Even Utah is resuming more restrictions since last weekend with the Omicron variant of Covid which has affected especially children worldwide. As we commemorate the Reverend Martin Luther King and the non-violent Civil Rights movement he led up until his assassination in 1968, I pray we will never see the rights of any race so restricted again. I am moved every time I watch films or listen to recordings or reflections on the sacrifices, martyrdoms, ugly persecutions, as well as brave leadership of so many men, women, and children of all races, but especially of Blacks in our country, South Africa, and elsewhere. We are all beloved children of God and need to see each other as such. There is still a lot of work for all of us to do for all to have equal opportunities for education, jobs, housing, just treatment in all aspects of life.
I recommend a series of talks and visuals presented by Stanford University King Center: https://news.stanford.edu/2021/01/13/stanford-celebrates-martin-luther-king-jr-day-four-day-festival/