Something very tangible and positive is the enthusiasm and dedication of young missionaries. A group of 13 arrived from the Sao Paulo, Brasil training center last Sunday night, coming to serve in Chile. We helped make up beds so they could spend the night before going out to their first assignments. The three young men are from Argentina. The young women, ??
Book recommendation: William Shakespeare's Othello is universal and powerful story of the quintessential outsider. A black man marries a white woman and is goaded into a jealous rage by an evil man (Iago). Tracy Chevalier chose the story of Othello and a school playground to set her insightful and poignant novel New Boy, which I especially recommend to parents, teachers, and young people old enough to understand the potential passion, bullying, jealousy, violence in "an intense, closed world where kids learn prejudice from parents and teachers, and take it out on one another." The children are at that awkward age, 11/ sixth graders, between childhood and full-blown adolescence where they are trying out grown-up attitudes without really understanding them. Each child in the novel cleverly parallels a character in Othello. The new boy is from Ghana, the son of a diplomat in Washington, DC, but the story is timeless and universal. It's themes are so relevant today. Unfortunately, even more so in still-stratified, social media- addicted societies with a growing number of immigrants, refugees, and outsiders. One person can wreak havoc on a group. Fortunately one person with love, compassion, and determination, can be a powerful force for good. So, let us be the individuals who persevere, fight prejudice, stand up to injustice! Maria Prado is a dear friend here from Colombia, who spends much time doing temple work for us and for our ancestors. She has had to fight as an outsider (from Colombia) and as a black woman in Chile. We love her spirit!

I also love the spirit and talent of the women and young women of our Pocuro ward (above). As the latter go out and serve missions, they also learn to be more inclusive.
My ward in California passed an exciting milestone today, with new name and boundary changes after many years of many wonderful people are forced to move out of the San Francisco Bay Area, as they cannot afford housing for their growing families. We have a wonderful new bishopric: Markus Covert, bishop; Rob Daines and Tyler Hales, counselors. How exciting to come home to change (not always easy, but invigorating and for our growth). Jesus Christ is at the head of his church. It is our task to listen to and understand his will and plans for us individually and as a church, directed by our beloved President and Prophet Russell M. Nelson.

We have been led and greatly blessed for the past 5 years by the leadership and wisdom of a wonderful bishop, Todd Miner, and counselors Shipp and Hales (and others).
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