Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Find the best & important things first...and don't wait to treasure them.

What have you most been waiting for? Christmas? the vaccine? the vote of Presidential electors? time when we can gather again?

The possibility of unfaithful electors was put to rest as each of the 306 votes went to President-elect Joe Biden. The last six weeks have challenged our government. We've seen some try to manipulate the election results, but officials from both parties have upheld the vote.

Waiting for the Northern Lights in Sweden, these people have dug a hole and built a fire to keep warm!

The world waited 400 years for the convergence of Saturn and Jupiter on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2020.

Less dramatic, but still beautiful, I don't have to wait so long for a sunset or the bay tide to come in..

But longer for students to return to school in person

Britain’s National Health Service delivered its first shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine on Tuesday, opening a mass vaccination campaign with little precedent in modern medicine and making Britons the first people in the world to receive a clinically authorized, fully tested vaccine. At 6:31 a.m. Tuesday, Margaret Keenan, 90, a former jewelry shop assistant, rolled up the sleeve of her “Merry Christmas” T-shirt to receive the first shot, and her image quickly became an emblem of the remarkable race to produce a vaccine and the global effort to end a pandemic that has killed 1.5 million people worldwide.“I feel so privileged to be the first person vaccinated against Covid-19,” said Ms. Keenan, who lives in Coventry, in central England. “It means I can finally look forward to spending time with my family and friends in the new year after being on my own for most of the year.”

But the virus does not wait to continue its attack. December 20:

The pandemic continued its deadly ascent in America this week, shattering once-unthinkable numbers: a single-day caseload of more than 251,000 new coronavirus infections, 1 million new ones in just five days and more than 3,600 deaths in a single day. The national death toll soared past 300,000 this week.

One thing our wonderful missionaries have not waited to do: donate 10,000 hours to Second Harvest (San Jose food bank) Way to go to help those in need in our area!

We don't have to wait for new 2020 phrases to find their way into the dictionary!

This year has given us scores of new words, phrases, expressions and metaphors. Some are new to the popular vernacular, like quarantine pod, while others are just newly relevant after long histories as specialized terms, like contact tracing. Some are technical, like super-spreader event and aerosol droplets; some are packed with cultural meaning, like systemic racism and panic shopping; and others still, like maskne and walktails, are just goofy little turns of phrase that let us find a drop of joy in this disastrous year. But all of them serve a purpose in these most uncertain times.

I have waited until the time seemed right to make the decision to sell my house in Palo Alto, my home for 44 years, to move to Utah where four of my five children now live. I can't let my grandchildren grow up without knowing each one better. They don't wait!

My grand-daughters had to wait an extra week to be baptized, as they thought their 2 year old sister might have Covid. Their zoom service was worth waiting for! They did have to wait a few minutes to set up zoom so we could watch from home! These are screen shots. Hooray for technology!

Stephanie went first while Elise waited her turn. Children wait until age 8 so that they can understand and be accountable for their choice to be baptized.

The girls sang, accompanied by their brothers, Luke and John, on the piano; Julie and Elise played a violin duet. Phoebe will have to wait 5 1/2 years for her baptism.

The world waited much longer for the Messiah's coming, its having been foretold by prophets for thousands of years, though many did not recognize the sweet baby born in Bethlehem as God's promised Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. I love all the Christmas carols, but especially...

O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie,
Above the deep and dreamless sleep, The silent stars go by;
Yet in the dark street shineth, the everlasting Light.
The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee tonight.
For that child so dear and gentle is our Lord in heav'n above,
And he leads his children on to the place where he is gone.

To help me wait until I can again see dear friends from my missions, I'll share a few of my many treasured creches.... DR, Ecuador......

Ecuadorian palm and acorn figures and orange wood traditional

Mapuche, Chilean indigenous creches

     and even our oldest creche, made by my own small kids (my biggest mission!)

May we during this year of turmoil, sorrow, and uncertainty, accept the peace and Light that only Jesus Christ can bring. We don't have to wait, but can have it now in our hearts. May you have a joyous Christmas, feel gratitude for the perhaps unexpected blessings 2020 has brought you, and hope for a brighter 2021.



‘Go for It’: U.K.’s First Vaccine Patient Encourages Others

Margaret Keenan, the first patient in Britain to receive the coronavirus vaccine, hopes to set an example for people hesitant to get vaccinated.

It was fine, it was fine. I wasn’t nervous at all. It was really good. “And what do you say to those who might be having second thoughts about this?” Well, I would say go for it. Go for it, because it’s free and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened, at the moment. So, do please go for it. That’s all I’ll say, you know. If I can do it, well, so can you1Margaret Keenan, the first patient in Britain to receive the coronavirus vaccine, hopes to set an example for people hesitant to get vaccinated.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

One of my favorite places in our area is the Filoli Estate in Woodside, completed in 1917, built by William Bourn whose family gained wealth during the Gold Rush. It is part of the National Trust with an amazing mansion with gorgeous grounds during any season. The name Filoli comes from Bourn's motto: Fight for a just cause, love your fellow man, and live a good life. They did! As did the Roth family who bought it from them.

For more photos of Filoli: https://photos.app.goo.gl/XcZ8yzdzmYUkEDgy8

 O the wonderful days of December, not TOO dampened by the restrictions of Covid

Here in Palo Alto we are always grateful for the dedicated annual creche exhibit volunteers who have given this gift now for 32 Christmas seasons—with love for our community and for the glory of God—and are now going forward with a virtual version for number 33, available this year all over the world! Click on: #givethanks
33rd Annual Christmas Crèche Exhibit
You can experience 25 days of Christmas hope with nativities from around the world, holiday music, children’s activities, and stories by community members. Click on the link below.
Virtual ‣ December 1–25, 2020
An all virtual experience for 2020.
Be inspired by photos, videos, and online experiences. Add your voice, your hands, your heart.
Share your photos and videos at this online form.
The Menlo Park Stake and The Los Altos Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I am so grateful for possibilities, if we are willing to be open to them. My life is not perfect, but I have experienced many beautiful and perfect moments. I have had lots of good and bad happen in my life as I am sure you have too. I have experienced love, happiness, heart break, peace, joy, and victory just to name a few. There is always the possibility to grow, be better and even heal. There is always someone to cheer, to help, to love. And I know the Savior is always there to offer us these things, too. He knows us.

This sculpture in our local park reminds me I can do hard things!

There also are the ginkgo trees (bigger now) where we took a Christmas card photo in 1980.

and throughout my house I have creches, photos, etc. to remind me of how blessed I have been to have had so many experiences and adventures. I am enjoying my 2020 tree even if few others will be!

May we have a joyful December as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. And may we hope for a 2021 with less suffering, more justice, healing, and greater compassion, understanding and peace for all. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year 2021!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Happy Thanksgiving. We can count our blessing rather than recount our sorrows and regrets of 2020. And look forward with hope!

Happy Thanksgiving, a commemoration of the gratitude and mutual respect between our Pilgrim forefathers and the Wampanoag natives of Plymouth, Cape Cod. I am so grateful to be descended from many of these first Americans. Enjoy this and other short videos:


Please watch a short video of Hope and Healing from the beloved and energetic Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Thank You to All of Our Veterans!
Last year was the 100th anniversary.
Wednesday is Veterans Day, a time when we recognize and give our thanks to all of the men and women who have served in our armed forces.
It began in 1919 as Armistice Day, on the first anniversary of the end of World War I. The holiday was renamed Veterans Day in 1954 and has evolved into a time to honor all those who have served the U.S. in military conflicts.

Our beautiful US Capitol building. Democrats and Republicans vie for bare majorities in Congress... We hope they can talk peaceably across the aisle and compromise for the good of our country.

Children in Indonesia stand in line to receive measles vaccinations. 
Measles is even more contagious than the corona virus. Measles deaths worldwide swelled to their highest level in 23 years last year, a stunning rise for a vaccine-preventable disease and one that public health experts fear could grow as the corona virus pandemic continues to disrupt immunization and detection efforts.

The global death tally for 2019 — 207,500 — was 50 percent higher than just three years earlier, according to the analysis, released jointly by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Stay healthy and safe by gathering in only small groups. (we took off masks only to eat outside).

Our California governor, Gavin Newsom, getting a Corona virus test

Fall is my favorite season. I'm grateful for the glorious colors around my neighborhood!

Down my street looking from my house. Beautiful yellow ginkgo (a very old species with fossils dating back 270 million years!)

Red grape and maple

ChiChinese pistache, member of the cashew family

And I'm grateful for my neighbors and their friendliness...

and for the Bay, the birds, the fresh air, the peace I feel as I walk...

I'm grateful for my family...a short visit with my sister Elaine, staying near Santa Cruz... and for the technology that lets me talk to them every week....far away but close to my heart.

...and for the adults, youth, and children playing in the park, especially when I can no longer hear their happy squeals from the neighborhood school playground during the pandemic