Monday, November 1, 2021

October turns into November

The majestic mountains make me grateful for our beautiful world. I love all the trails close to my home.

We had a wonderful big family celebration of my son-in-law Ken Taylor's birthday. Part of our group: My sons Peter, Marc and his wife Fernanda (her birthday the following day), Ken and Emily.

                                My street on garbage day
                   Our ward Halloween chili party was lots of fun
                               My oldest grand-daughter Kelly (left) and a friend

             Cole Deucher may have to leave behind his guitar and Halloween, and trade them in for missionary attire, hymns and the Day of the Dead, as he soon leaves for Aguas Calientes, Mexico.
                                               My adorable little neighbor Rae
          The Provo Temple setting beautiful with sun or rain/snow
Halloween parade and treats at the nearby mall

Grandson Luke in his play-off football game. It was cold and rainy! But the Carlston family came out in force. At the left is not my son-in-law Pete, but his identical twin brother Dave, in case you are wondering.

My house is to the left, on the street parallel to University Avenue (above) Below is Center Street Orem coming into University.

 "Beyond Van Gogh" was an amazing show: paintings and quotes,life descriptions projected on the walls, ceiling and floor of the museum in Salt Lake City. Grand-daughter Phoebe resisted going, but ended up totally enthralled with the shifting, swirling, changing lights and vibrant colors. I have always loved his paintings.

             It would be hard not to feel joyful with this experience!
If you like Van Gogh, here are some more photos (I couldn't get enough!)
 Ademas, las citaciones son en espanol tambien!

May your November be a time of reflection and gratitude for all that is good in your life! 

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to see van Gogh I did a report on him for my senior year in college. If it comes here I'll try to go see it. THanks for the postcard last month. Ted is here for the 3rd time working in Davenport. Nice! Dottie
