Thursday, March 3, 2022

It's been a Roller-Coaster Ride for a Couple of Weeks

The Beijing Olympics was the culmination of years of hard work and hopeful dreams for the athletes. Some were winners, some were disappointed, but all the competitors are heroes in my book.

The motto was inspiring: "We are all equal in spite of what we look like, where we come from, or what we believe."

Despite the diplomatic boycott, the overwhelming wish was "to give peace a chance."  ************

It was inspiring to see President Biden's  nomination of the first black woman as justice of the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, an American attorney and jurist serving as a federal judge on the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia since 2021. She need s to be confirmed by Congress.

And on the heels of the hopeful atmosphere of the Olympics, the pleas for peace, came the invasion of Ukraine led by Vladimir Putin, with an outcry from most of the world, including the Russian people. The Ukraine was part of the USSR, but has been a progressive, prosperous, independent country since 1991. The Ukrainians have shown great  resilience, fortitude, and hopefulness despite high numbers of civilians killed in the bombings, the separation of families, as many women and children have fled to neighboring countries, leaving men 18-60 to fight the aggressors. President Zelensky has refused to give in or to leave Kyiv.

Sick children have been moved to basements of hospitals. Many people have been unable to leave. Russians have gained control of Chernobyl power plants, and access to the Black Sea ports. We hold our breath each day, as the aggression continues. Will it end?

As the world looks on, hoping and praying for peace, for an end to this ruthless crisis, life goes on. We need to find joy where we can.
One of my oldest and dearest friends, Nettie Wise, celebrated her 98th birthday with her family in American Fork, Utah. Her positive attitude and cheerful optimism are an inspiration to all of us, down to great grandchildren.

My daughter Emily (center), at exactly half Nettie's age, also celebrated her birthday this week. She is an inspiration, too, always involved in teaching, studying, raising her family, making friends wherever she goes, and promoting many good causes.

It was an honor to attend the funeral of Gabriella Fercia Lloyd. She is a native of Sardinia, Italy. It was fun to meet her Italian sons and their combined families. She and her husband La Mar served missions for our church for 24 years, 18 months of which we served together in the Madrid Spain Temple, along with the Zimmermans and Eastmans who have also served several other missions. 
     I am waiting for Spring, but have to expect that one day it's sunny                      and warm, the next may be freezing and snowy.

  Taken from both sides of the street (not in Peru) three days apart in            my Provo neighborhood.

        But there is always something wonderful happening at BYU.

As Covid restrictions begin to relax, let us all continue to pray for peace, for an end to the suffering and injustice throughout our world. 
May those of us who are safe, healthy, and free, let us remember those who are not so fortunate. They are our fellow human beings, loved and known by our God. Help us to be His hands whenever and wherever we can.
I have been enjoying and recommend the TV series All Creatures Great and Small, which touches on themes of honesty, dedication, compassion, and service.

1 comment:

  1. You could and should be (and really are) an excellent news correspondent, Miriam!
