Saturday, October 29, 2022


October is a glorious month

The beautiful Quito Ecuador Temple is open to the public before its dedication, when it will be open only to worthy members of the Church of Latter Day Saints who hold a temple recommend. Members in the north of Ecuador have waited years for the opening of Ecuador's second temple so they will not have to travel many hours to the Guayaquil temple. I met two Ecuadorian students who are thrilled!

Today I was delighted to participate with other family members in my oldest grand-daughter Kelly Taylor's first temple experience, in which she made sacred covenants in the magnificent Payson Temple (just south of Provo). She is a freshman at BYU and plans to serve a mission when she turns 19 in June.Three generations: Kelly, Emily, me.

October has been a great month! As soon as I returned from Europe I turned around and flew to San Diego for my nephew Wayne' Mutscheller's wedding to Morgan Collimore at a lovely venue, Los Willows in Fallbrook. It was special to be with my 4 living siblings, their spouses, and nieces and nephews.
Family: My brothers are the tall ones, my sisters are the two to my left
We were pleased that Wayne's dad Joe was able to attend with some help and careful planning by my sister Elaine.
Nieces Theresa and Kristina, sister Irene, her daughter Lisa, son-in-law Mike Cornette and Cade, and husband Mike Curry.

I came back to volunteer at the mission training center. I love those missionaries, a little scared, but eager to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world.

...and to the glorious fall display on Alpine Loop in Provo Canyon

and to my Italian class where I get to mingle with BYU students and teachers every day.
     I love the sun in my kitchen and the red berries. My roses are still                           blooming. Most of my other flowers froze.

It was fun to see old friends George Taylor (who is in my ward) and  his high school and BYU friend Roger Campbell from Palo Alto. His mom Shirley was my friend and travel companion. I look dwarfed!

And then the weather turned cold and we had snow on the mountains. Beautiful from my house, despite the power lines!

and it was good to return to temple service at Provo Temple nearby!

My cousin's little boy Oscar carved this pumpkin himself! He's an artist like his dad!
                         Happy Halloween! Be safe! Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. We were just up in Park City with lots of family coming up to visit. Glorious fall weather until last weekend but still fun to have RAIN followed by snow. Thanks again for the great blog post.
