Monday, February 6, 2023

February is cold and snowy in Provo, but much goes on!

It is always fun to watch BYU sports: very loud and enthusiastic fans support great teams with lots of fun cheer leaders, dunk squad and contests with prizes. Grand-daughter Lucie Taylor and I enjoyed watching BYU players win!


Cosmo the Cougar has been BYU's mascot for 60+ years. He symbolizes the BYU standards: Talents, intelligence, charisma, honor and enthusiasm

Julie and her girls Stephanie, Elise, and Phoebe, joined Marc in cheering on his daughter Hannah at her gym meet

Grandson Nick de Schweinitz  (with cousin Ming Lu de S.) is now set apart to begin MTC training on-line for two weeks before his 4 weeks at the Provo training center. Then he will serve in the Baltimore, MD mission in Spanish.

               He says good-bye to his great grandmother Martins
                       Nick with parents Fernanda and Marc de S.

Emily and I attended a BYU Faith-Academics talk. All truth comes from one source, so there is absolutely no conflict between science and religion. Maybe we should be open to new ideas and new discoveries and not be so sure that we have all knowledge yet!

I always love the BYU art museum. I enjoyed a small exhibit of amazing Durer etchings and drawings. 

 From the permanent collection, Mahonri Young, R. Knight, and others

Dinner with friends at Bombay House to celebrate Gae Rose's and my birthdays: Ramona, Miriam, Gae, Scott and Kristin Rose.

It is always a joy to spend a Tuesday evening at the mission training center with the young and senior missionaries preparing to serve throughout the world in many capacities.

I I blew them all out but they didn't try to put 79 candles on my cake!

With four of my five children celebrating my birthday: Emily, Peter, Marc and Julie. 16/17 of my grandchildren made for a fun evening!

Peter summarized my younger days in a minute or so, showing the Lederhosen he wore when I taught him a little German. Lots of the kids and adults shared their musical talents, with Aaron Taylor leading the program on the cello.

Cousins giving Nick "Elder/ Hermano de Schweinitz" a good-bye hug

Taiwanese students Eric, Leo and Derek Staying with Emily) with teacher David Wang (staying with me) for 2 weeks, attending classes, enjoying excursions and seeing snow for the first time, skating, sledding and skiing!

 Ming Lu works at the ice rink and helped the group 

There's a first time for everything! They are good sports!

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