Wednesday, May 31, 2023

 Memorial Weekend 2023

On Saturday May 27, I drove with Peter, Rebecca, and Cordelia to Spring City in Sanpete County (near Manti and Ephraim), about 1 hour and 15 minutes south of Provo on Highway 89. Rocks alternate between red and grey. The hills and valleys are so green!

         Veteran's Memorial
        Cordelia climbing an old tree. Maybe from the founding days of 1852.. James Allred and a dozen families settled here to farm.
The old stone church and many of the old stone or wood houses have been restored (and lived in) and are open to the public during Heritage Days. The town of about 1,000 is on the National Registry of Historic Places, and is known for its art. There are exhibits and art for sale.

The bedrooms with their antique beds, quilts and other furnishings are charming!

Adjoining Das Cafe where I enjoyed delicious Bratwurst and sauerkraut, a blue grass band played. 
Rebecca and Cordelia put flowers on R's grandmother's grave in nearby Mount Pleasant, settled mostly by Swedish and Danish immigrants who settled there in the mid-end of 19th century
     The drive home was also spectacular, so green after a wet winter!

Most of the snow has melted on the closer mountains near my house, but the creeks and rivers are still overflowing their sand-bagged banks
I joined Fernanda, my daughter-in-law and her extended family at Vivian Park: South Fork, Provo Canyon. Her mom played all her favorite Brazilian and other songs, I sang along, and her cute grandmother listened with a big smile on her face! Evie on tambourine

When I received these wonderful photos (courtesy of Marguerite Hancock) from my Palo Alto, California ward's annual Memorial Day camp out in the nearby redwoods I was overcome with nostalgia. So many memories of family times there.

Squaw Peak and Rock Canyon (as seen from the MTC) are snow free 
and my roses, peonies, and other flowers are now starting to bloom. I'm grateful for the lovely world I am blessed to enjoy!

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