July 3-9th, 2023, Utah
What a wonderful week it has been!
The former Provo Tabernacle burned in 2016, and was converted into the beautiful Provo City Center Temple, completed in 2016. The Saturday farmers market and July 4th craft and food booths are held across the street at Center Street and University Avenue. Photo from the Provo Judicial building with a wonderful art exhibit, highlighting Arnold Friberg (1913-2010). His Washington at Valley Forge and other patriotic and religious paintings are inspiringly beautiful
"Abraham Lincoln" addresses the audience and new citizens
New citizens share their feelings about being new US citizens
Independence Day includes commemorations of historical events: pioneers, war courage and sacrifices in the past and today.
Rodeos are a popular summertime activity in Utah. Cowboys from the US west and Latin America, bulls and horses show their mettle and skill at the Oakley annual July 4th Rodeo.
My grand-daughters are part of the younger generation of the extended family tradition of attending this rodeo.
The rodeo finishes with a fireworks display over the rodeo grounds
The Provo parade attracts thousands
A highlight this year was a wagon holding many of the cast of The Chosen (Jesus and his apostles/disciples)

Early settlers to Utah came mostly from the US, Britain & Scandinavia to establish the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The horses were hard to control, wanting to escape the crowds I guess!
Bands from high schools, middle schools, elementary children, and bagpipers joined the floats, mayor Kaufusi, Provo City Council members, Utah governor, the popular new BYU president Shane Reese
I loved seeing the Orem full-time young (above) and senior (below) missionaries
Two of my granddaughters and I went up to the Timpanogos Memorial Garden cemetery to watch fireworks all over Utah Valley....nice end to a fun and memorable July 4th. Gravestones there are flat on the ground
I'm so grateful to be an American. I love the "rocks and rills, the woods and templed hills, my heart with rapture fills" (My Country 'tis of Thee) to see the beauty around me and to feel the freedoms and opportunities of this great land, where Christ's gospel could be restored. We are not perfect, but have so much more than many of us appreciate ...
I'm grateful to know that my grandson Elder de Schweinitz (second from the left) and thousands of others are sharing their love for our Savior Jesus Christ. How much better our troubled world would be if all people could emulate the characteristics of Him who gave His life to teach us and to give us the pattern and means to return to Him when our earthly journey is finished.
And now it's grand-daughter Kelly Taylor's (green dress in center with some of her friends) turn. This morning at church, after her beautiful solo, "Savior Redeemer of my Soul," accompanied on the piano by a friend and on the cello by her brother Aaron, she gave a lovely talk, making 3 main points: (1) put ourselves in places where we can feel the guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit; (2) God will work with our imperfections; (3) God has a special and unique plan for each of us, which is rarely our plan. She begins training at (my) home via zoom for a week, and then will spend 2 weeks at the Provo Mission Training Center before departure to the Iowa City mission.
Wonderful blog, as always, and exciting that you will have TWO grandchildren serving missions at the same time.