Monday, August 7, 2023

 A Little of this and that, here and there, now & then

      Gorgeous photo taken by my daughter Anne living in Vermont

9 years ago in Ecuador, Susy Molina and I having our favorite grilled fish, plantains, and rice at Playas Beach on our free day.

Grand-daughter Cordelia (2nd from right) and her soccer team the Celtics win the championship in Utah Cup for 7-8 year old division

        She was promised a big treat by her assistant coach if she scored              a certain number of goals (3, 3, 4 and 4 in the final game)
The pleasant soccer fields (5 minutes from my house look east towards Provo Canyon and Wasatch range.

Lucie Taylor celebrates her 13th b-day with adoring younger cousins

In my neighborhood are horses, steers,beautiful sunsets, & nice people

       Rock Canyon, Provo

I'm enjoying my backyard when it's cool enough to be out there

Colorful echinacea brighten my walkway & attract bees and butterflies

 Provo my Hometown held its annual"Pool Party"at the rec center after hours. Partway through it rained so we had to bring in all the snacks

                 I swim laps in the indoor pool in the mornings

Occasional rain and thunderstorms have cooled the hot air this summer

Provo's wonderful library (since 2001), where I am a frequent patron, is housed in the former Brigham Young Academy, built in 1892. 

history of Brigham Young University (BYU) begins in 1875, when the school was called Brigham Young Academy and had high school and college students. The school did not reach university status until 1903,  A period of expansion after WWII caused the student body to grow many times in size, making BYU the largest private university of the time. Today there are more than 33,000 students, 51% female, 49% male (graduate and undergraduate). NYU, USC and Boston University are the tree largest today.

Emails from one of my favorite missionaries, Soeur Ramirez Mauna from Ecuador, serving in Montreal, inspires me with her love and courage in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Granddaughter Kelly loved her time at the MTC (where there are currently 2400 missionaries in training, with 1000 in the choir!) with companion Sister Payne and has just now begun serving in the small town of Hiawatha outside Cedar Rapids, Iowa. So far she has avoided the tornadoes and the 26 million pigs of Iowa!
     I guess a mission is full of surprises and happy moments for the       elders! 
Spanish is still a challenge but progress is being made.

I'm privileged to listen to the Tuesday evening devotional speakers (since I set up and take down the interpretation stations at the MTC), who are always inspiring. Elder Mark Pace this week spoke about being a better disciple of Christ through humble, honest, meaningful prayers, which will be answered now or later as we pause and listen, by the comfort, peace, direction, and revelation given through the Holy Ghost speaking to our hearts and minds. We need to talk to him as friend to friend. Sister Anne Marie Pace shared how her soul is filled, her mind enlightened and her being armed with God's power as she studies the scriptures. 

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see President Bob Brigham of the Baltimore, Maryland mission in the background of the photo with your grandson!
