Cordelia's Wasatch school, celebrates 75 year anniversary. Each year each grade has a special dance on the last day of school

Fun Country musical "May we All" with Lucie, Cordelia (and Rebecca) at Hale Theater in Sandy, UtahGreat musical at Hale Theater in Orem. The story of the first women soldiers serving as bilingual radio operators in France during WWI (1918)
Some of my wonderful English students in"My Hometown Provo" Memorial weekend trip to Spring City Heritage festival. Cordelia, Rebecca, Kif, her mom, Peter and Sterling. Delicious German food at Das Cafe.
Old pioneer homes have been restored in 1980's to present.
In the old Rock Church we enjoyed the beautiful concert of art songs by Professor Stucki and friend (piano, cello, vocal)
There was lots of art everywhere for auction, sale and enjoyment
Rebecca placed flowers on her grandmother's among other Scandinavian ancestors' graves. Memorial Day is a special time to remember those who have passed on.
I love the rural, farming landscape where early Utah settlers made their homes in the 1800's
.... and the mountains behind my Provo home,
...... and fun with family after dinner together, as well as a birthday celebration for Sara Gilman's 70th with old friends (Welches, Gilmans, Hacks)
Our friends' Matt & Laurie King's daughter Kelli and William Charles
Our family enjoyed the concert (Pete Carlston, Emily and Miriam not in the photo)
Thanks for the current photos of Spring City. FYI--Both sets of my mom's Danish grandparents (and parents) settled there when they immigrated to Utah. And my gr-greatpa Sorensen who was a stone mason helped build that lovely stone church.