Beautiful Utah County Fall 2024 and lots of Art!
Provo Canyon on the Alpine Loop with golden aspens. Not quite as bright as other years, as it has been hot. Freeze is needed to bring out the colors.Bridal Veil Falls, waiting for the first rains and snows this week

The BYU Ballroom dancers are incredibly talented and professional
Fernanda & Marc de S, Emily de S.Taylor, Julie de S.and Pete Carlston at fundraising "A Taste of Bethlehem" shawarma dinner at Taylors, cooked by Ken T and Mario, visiting from the middle east. It was delicious!
My daughter Julie and I spent a few hours at the Church History Museum in SLC for excellent exhibition "Work and Wonder." This exhibition is the largest and most comprehensive attempt to show the variety of works by Latter-day Saint artists around the world from the Church’s founding to the present. It includes art and objects from a broad array of cultural backgrounds, materials, and styles, and it invites audiences to consider both the historical traditions and future trajectories of Latter-day Saint art. Here are a few favorites!
One of many things purchased from the Community of Christ (formerly known as the Reorganized Church of Christ from 1872-2001) who split off from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after Joseph Smith's martyrdom, and owned the Kirtland Temple and many of the objects and lands of the original Church.
Actual characters copied by one of the 8 witnesses of gold plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated by Joseph Smith
Painting of the Brooklyn, which brought early Mormons from New York around Cape Horn to San Francisco with items too heavy for the pioneers to carry in their wagons from Illinois. These members went on to Utah the next year in 1847.
Marlene Wilding painted this portrait, All are Alike unto God (2021) of Isaac Lewis Manning. Isaac and his sister and other family members joined the church in the 1840's in Nauvoo, IL. He cooked for the Smith family, taught dance, served in the Nauvoo Legion, quarried stone for the temple, and dug the graves of Joseph and Hyrum Smith after their martyrdom in 1844.
I love this batik by Joni Susan (1990) of Joseph Smith's prayer and vision of God the Father and his son Jesus Christ in the Sacred Grove, Palmyra, NY in 1820.
Brian Kershisnik's (1962-) prolific works include many which explore the dynamic between earthly mortals and heavenly spirits, and the interconnectedness of pre- and post-mortal existence. In She will find What is Lost angelic figures descend to support a solitary woman.
Joseph and Oliver Cowdery receive the Melchizedek Priesthood from Peter, James and John. Below, Jesus heals the blind man, by Walter Rane (1949-)

This is one of my favorite portrayals of Jesus by Michael Malm
The Prodigal Son. Beautiful bronze of Christ, below.
The Second Coming of Christ by Harry Anderson (1916-96)
African bead art of Adam and Eve is so intricate
The original model for the Angel Moroni to be placed atop the Salt Lake Temple and many other temples.

Julie, too, is showing her developing talent at oil painting! I love it!
Wild turkeys (most of the flock was chased away by a dog before I got the photo!). Thanksgiving will arrive before we know it! But each day can be a chance to feel gratitude for so much, and also a reminder that we can all be an influence for good in our sphere of influence and that each person and every creation is unique, such as these berries/ seeds. Fall is a time of transition, putting the growing season to rest for a few months.
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