Friday, October 5, 2018


In a time when we have the resources to become closer, to be more united with people and nations across our ever -shrinking world, it seems we have become more deeply divided than ever. Education, service, cultural exchanges, and basic love for others can help. We need to balance our own needs with respect for those of others, and believe that most others at their core, would prefer cooperation and peace. I don't believe we have to compromise our integrity, but must instead stand up for our principles. A desire to understand, to build, to respect those of all faiths and persuasions is a choice.
Monument to the Martyrs
 Jaime Jorge Guzmán Errázuriz (1946-91) was a Chilean lawyer, law professor, and senator, member and doctrinal founder of the conservative Independent Democrat Union party. In the 1960s he opposed the University Reform and became the main ideologist of the gremialismo (trade unions) thought. He never had an official position in Pinochet's government, but became a close adviser and influential policy maker, helped draft many of his important speeches, and a new constitution in 1980, which is still in force today (with many amendments) and many of the constitutional laws as Chile was returning to democracy (1981-90). He was assassinated at entrance to Catholic University where he was constitutional law professor, believing in free market system in an authoritarian state, killed by a socialist terrorist in 1991, the only senator ever assassinated. (The 1988 plebiscite decided the end to Pinochet's dictatorship, and desire for a return to democracy). 
Many of his Chilean associates, economists, and fellow martyrs were educated at the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman, and called "the Chicago Boys." Miguel Kat (1948-1983) was known for his role in public policies where he worked tirelessly to reduce poverty; Central leftist Jorge Alessandri Rodriguez (1896-1986) served as President of Chile (1958-1964), aligned himself with the US after 1959 Cuban Revolution, came in 2nd after Allende as Nationalist Party candidate in 1966 election, then collaborated with the military junta after the 1973 coup. As much as I abhor Pinochet's reign of terror and torture, these men who certainly loved their country, made outstanding and important contributions to modern Chile's democratic and economic recovery. They are honored in this monument (above) to the martyrs. 
The question is: When do the ends justify the means?

On the other side were many heroes, martyrs and proponents, two of which were friends poet Pablo Neruda and painter/illustrator Nemesio Antunez. Antunez illustrated many books, and created political posters.

Pinochet's coup d'etat in 1973, provoked Antunez' self exile for 10 years. From the US and other countries he participated in campaigns of solidarity with Chile and published many things against the dictatorship.


Free and clean elections, which finally came
For more of his illustrations, click on this link:

I think this sculpture is called "Hemispheres"
In a time when we have the means to become closer as nations and individuals, it seems we are more divided than ever, despite the valiant efforts of so many. Only in the secular world is there a discrepancy, a conflict between the ends and the means. If we could practice God's principles of love, justice, fairness, forgiveness, restraint,and compassion the means to accomplish any small goal, the means and ends would be in harmony.

A sculpture near the embassy and monument called "Unity". Chile is trying hard to bring together its people, to not forget the past, but to ease hard feelings lefty over from Pinochet/Allende past. The military parades have eliminated tanks and most guns.

The German school down the street is celebrating the anniversary of German unification, October 3, 1990 (ironically to me the year I separated from my husband), as the Berlin Wall came down after 30+ years. It's hard to believe this occurred 28 years ago. I was teaching German at the time and was thrilled. I had been studying in Germany at the time the wall was fresh. The US German consulate sent me many materials (including an especially beautiful and poignant video) to use in my classes.

 As senior missionaries we unite as a force for good, and hopefully represent, positively, caring individuals, America, our Church, and the Lord who loves all equally and is no respecter of nations, races, people. He said of His church, "If ye art not one, ye are not mine." 
It is sometimes hard to accept new ways, let go of ours, but we try!
Here we are all united, eating again, this time at a Japanese restaurant appropriately named "The Temple" near the US embassy in Santiago Vitacura sector...


I am a loyal American, but now have a little of Chile in my heart. The world is small and no country can remain isolated.
An art exhibit bringing together 65 Italian and Chilean artists

A lovely free classical concert at Providencia Cultural center. They performed a Schubert Sonata, Gerald Finzi, Joaquin Rodrigo, Fernando Sor, and Federico Garcia Lorca. The guitar and musical influence came with the Spanish, but Chile has many composers, and music is important to most Chileans.
The goals of the sponsors, the Cultural Foundation of Providencia, is to bring solidarity through the arts and culture.

The purpose of the temple is to unite families (those who have died and those yet to be born). This week I especially remember the Oct. 1st birthday of my sister who passed away, and all the dear friends and family members who are waiting for us on the other side of the veil. I think we all, whether we are aware or not, long to return to a heavenly home where there is unity and peace, and healing for emotions, spirit, body.
We love the simple song with a powerful message:

I am a child of God, and He has sent me here;
has given me an earthly home, with parents kind and dear.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do, to live with Him someday.

This weekend we as a church of more than 16,000,000 members 
around the world, unite twice a year, to hear in person or by satellite broadcast, messages of our church leaders, including our wonderful, vibrant, modern, forward-thinking President Russell M. Nelson. If you would like to be inspired, guided, comforted, or just find out a little more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in most languages, please tune in on Saturday and Sunday, October 6&7:


  1. Thank you for sharing about your Sister and the next life. I'm ready anytime!!! I look forward to seeing everyone there. And because of the invitation in General Conference to re-read D&C 138, we could possibly meet Nephi in the next life, yes? I have tons of questions for him when I get there!
