Saturday, November 10, 2018

November, a Month to be Grateful

 Thanksgiving to me means Fall, family, crisp yellow and red leaves, holiday concerts, a tree loaded with persimmons, turkey and pumpkin pie. Here in Santiago, since there is no Thanksgiving, Christmas has come to our local Lider, a Walmart store, with Pan de Pascua (like Panettoni), and decorations. 

 But outside the temperature rises to 90 degrees, the bougainvillea, lavender, roses and dahlias are in bloom, people wear shorts and t-shirts , lizards are out taunting the birds.

November is a time for me to reflect on my life, the blessings of reasonably good health for an almost 75 year old, a good heritage, caring parents and siblings, many dear friends, children and grandchildren, opportunities for education (formal and informal) and service, and a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and spiritual truths which sustain me, and give meaning and peace and joy to my life.

I'm grateful for education. This original school building is now incorporated into the Finis Terrae University, one of the many up and  down the street. Thousands of students create a lively atmosphere every week day. 

 I'm grateful for artists and their ability to express....This exhibit was by, and the profits of sale of their paintings, for patients with mental disabilities. I'm impressed that every group in society is considered and valued....never enough, however.  I appreciate writers, especially the courage and insights of Tara Westover in her memoir which I just finished entitled "Education." She grew up in an isolated environment in Idaho with a bi-polar father (and mother who supported his extreme eccentricities) who believed "the establishment" was of the devil, and tried desperately to protect his large family by refusing to send them to school or to a doctor, who stockpiled food, weapons, etc. because "the world was about to end." She was torn between love and loyalty to parents, and her desire to learn and discover the life so close but forbidden to her. With great effort and courage she transcends the limits placed on her, and all the horrific and dangerous jobs the children were forced to help their father with, and becomes educated. It is a book about education, not about Mormonism or any other religion. I'm so grateful my parents encouraged education, and that I have so many opportunities to continue to learn and to open my mind. I'm so grateful for books and the worlds they bring to life.
Some of the paintings in the exhibit are included below...

 "Cathedral" "San Francisco Church, Santiago", "Puerto Montt"

Mental gears

 I love the bright colors and designs


November is the month to reflect and to be grateful for every aspect of life, for life itself. Some (and there are so many more) of these I will share in this blog.

I am grateful for all kinds of music...
Because there is no Thanksgiving celebrated here, Monday was the winter/Christmas concert by two wonderful classical singers of opera and art songs, in French, German, Italian, with Spanish lyrics on the screen.

I'm trying to be grateful for most daily challenges (not especially for having to rewrite [completely different format however] this blog which somehow disappeared yesterday when I was about to post it!).  It is hard to be an old person in a rapidly changing technological world!!! Some people do much better than I.
I do believe challenges (if they don't kill us) are for our growth if we treat them as such. I'm grateful to believe we are surrounded by angels (God's messengers and our ancestors) who want to protect, comfort, and inspire us, to testify that our Heavenly Father knows, loves, and believes in us. He wants us to be happy and peaceful. If we do our best, He will make up the difference, bridge the gap between his perfection and our weaknesses, ignorance, and failures. Even Christ himself was comforted and strengthened in Gethsemane by an angel, as He prepared to give His life that we, too, might have eternal life, where our weak bodies and minds and spirits could be healed.
Agony in the Garden by Frans Schwartz, 1898.

FAMILY and Friends....
You have made me who I am, and help me become who I hope to be someday. You bring me joy. You teach me! I love you!

Extended family at my home in California for Thanksgiving 2017.
Games, singing, turkey, pumpkin pie, lots of laughter....

At the top of the list are family, friends, old and young, new and old, here and there. Please do not be offended if you are not pictured here, each of you is important to me and has made me who I am!

A beautiful wedding in England, July 13, 2017: Emily, Peter, Anne and Neil Chandler, Julie and Marc

Nick, Hannah, Marc (my youngest son), Evie, Simon and Fernanda de Schweinitz in Michigan

My youngest daughter Julie Carlston and family in Utah: Peter and Phoebe, Elise, Luke, Stephanie, Julie and John
Cousins in Utah celebrate a birthday

The Torals in Ecuador, the Ferreiras and fellow senior missionaries in Santiago....

many dear friends in California, including "my"Primary kids...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so inspired by you and the topic of education. So grateful for this Church which also urges education. Thank you for your reflections and photos!
