Sunday, November 11, 2018, began with a wonderful Primary (ages 3-12) Children's annual Sacrament meeting program entitled "I am a Child of God."
The little boys all wore Chile ties: royal blue with red and yellow/white diagonal stripes, and the little girls all had a red rose bow in their long dark hair. They said their lines and sang the Primary songs (worldwide in each language of course) with great enthusiasm. Unfortunately I could not take a photo in the chapel, but cornered a couple kids afterwards (minus tie and bows).
In our Sunday school class we had visitors from Australia who shared delicious Chilean chocolate rolls filled with manjar (very popular dulce de leche) called cuchufli

This photo was sent by Elder Welch, serving a mission from my home ward, now in Southend, England. They were asked to place a poppy wreath at the WWII memorial on "Veteran's Day" as we call November 11th in the US. Sometimes we forget the great sacrifice and the millions who died or were wounded and maimed to allow us, the living, to enjoy the freedoms and privileges we so often take for granted. As the final line of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" states: "Let us live (righteously, courageously, wisely) to make men free." |
We eagerly awaited the arrival Sunday afternoon of new Apostle Gerrit Gong and wife Susan and other area authorities who visited the temple, Missionary Training Center missionaries and then spoke with Young Single Adults and young marrieds in our chapel (below). We met on the temple grounds. It was a perfect spring afternoon.
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The training center missionaries with President and Sister Carmack, other area authorities and the Gongs |

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Counselor and Sister Dinamarca and Temple President and Sister Wilhelm with the Gongs (absent are the Castros, the other counselor and assistant to the temple matron) |
Our friends (and MTC teachers and temple workers) on way to fireside with the Gongs! |
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After the Young Single Adult/ Young Marrieds meeting with the Gongs (as we were returning from our walk) |
It's spring here! While my grand-daughter Evie plays in the Michigan fall leaves, this little girl on the left longs to play in the temple fountain.
This week I have had to move all my stuff to a room across the hall so they can paint (a regulation, unfortunately, as it doesn't seem to need painting!) But I feel like I'm in the garden of Eden today, a rainy cool day, with so much green and so many flowers and the temple out my window.
What a fun blog post! I recognized one Area Authority from Los Angeles in your photos. What fun to have Elder Gong there! Amen to everything you said about the Book of Mormon!