In a yard: Acceptance, tolerance, inclusion, love and kindness.
Our wonderful Prophet Russell M. Nelson, a tender-hearted, wise, optimistic and inspired leader has traveled around the world to bring messages of courage and peace to all. We have been uplifted by all the messages we heard from our leaders (broadcast throughout the world) last weekend at our semi-annual General Conference (to an empty hall, even the speakers sitting 6 feet apart as they obeyed "social distancing"). Friday we were invited to fast for those at risk as first responders, medical personnel and all affected in any way by the virus. We all wanted to "flatten the curve" by sacrificing in that small way, to focus on others.

Our chapels and temples are closed but we as a congregation meet on "Zoom" each Sunday morning to visit with each other and to share Gospel messages. One speaker this morning shared the thought that we all have our Fridays, not to the degree our Savior suffered in Gethsemane and then on the cross, but times of trial, but 'Sunday' will come as we embrace the message of hope and joy. The Gospel is everything if we choose it to be the focus of our lives.
Sometimes I see double, too! So much reading!
I just finished "Becoming Mrs. Lewis" (C.S.) and am now reading some of his works as I feel like I know him (and her) better.
My roses are blooming. How wonderful to watch flowers open!
Meanwhile, for many of us who are fortunate, we can enjoy the spring flowers, the time we have to spend more time with family and households, to discipline ourselves to do some of those projects that need doing, and enjoy activities and deepen relationships with those closest to us. For me it has been a time of reflection, simplification, and connection with others in a different way. When I'm out walking my conversations are often with those across the street, 6' apart in a driveway or park, or as one walks in the street with the other on the sidewalk. I have managed to stay away from the store for a month and I have not lost weight unfortunately. My books keep me company, too!

It's given me more time to keep in touch with friends. An Ecuadorian friend from my mission there sent this photo of her son (3rd from left) leaving his mission in Mexico to return home to Ecuador. Like the US missionaries, all have now returned to their home countries where they may be reassigned at home or resent later. This has been a bonding time, a chance to laugh.
My housemates and I have enjoyed more time together. Last night we celebrated Angie's birthday. Elsie (left) and I did a puzzle shared by our neighbor who left it at the gate (where any mail is left to keep social distance). We've saved on gas, movies, non-essential shopping, and gained on friendship, closeness, appreciation for things we never considered before.
I hope your new week is full of good surprises, that you learn something new or deepen your understanding of something. Try to record this crazy general we won't forget, but the details may interest our posterity. My sympathy and love to all, especially to those of you suffering at this time.
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