Wednesday, April 29, 2020

And the COVID Pandemic continues, with some areas opening up, others, like ours, continuing to "shelter in place" (staying home except for outdoor exercise and "essential" errands) and keeping our distance until the end of May. Our times have changed with technology, changing demographics which has affected and put so many out of work; but how different is it really? 
Our church leaders have said this may only be the preparatory stage for even more challenging times ahead. 

And people stayed at home 

And read books 
And listened 
And they rested 
And did exercises 
And made art and played 
And learned new ways of being 
And stopped and listened 
More deeply 
Someone meditated, someone prayed 
Someone met their shadow 
And people began to think differently 
And people healed. 
And in the absence of people who 
Lived in ignorant ways 
Dangerous, meaningless and heartless, 
The earth also began to heal 
And when the danger ended and 
People found themselves 
They grieved for the dead 
And made new choices 
And dreamed of new visions 
And created new ways of living 
And completely healed the earth 
Just as they were healed. 

This could be applied to the Spanish flu or the flu of 1869, too, perhaps!

But lives and traditions must go on. The first day of Muslim Ramadan (April 23 this year) in Kashmir

We keep our distance as we celebrate birthdays..
Friends drove, biked or walked by to wish Happy Birthday to Colette Taylor at her home
Becca Johnson sang "Somewhere over the Rainbow" from a safe distance.
We haven't seen rainbows lately as blue skies and sunshine enhance our lives...

The Palo Alto Elizabeth Gamble Gardens are blooming

Roses of every variety (and so many other beautiful flowers) are more beautiful than ever this year.

As much as I love my city and neighborhood, I, too, wish I had wings to fly to Germany and England. My long-anticipated yesterday's flight departure and trip were sadly canceled. Instead I'm listening to Harry Potter and his state-of-the-art Nimbus 2000 broomstick, an alternative mode of transportation for some.

And speaking of transportation, I found this old Studebaker in a neighbor's driveway, same model almost as my parent's first car in the 1940's. I do prefer my red hybrid KIA, which I'm sure gets better gas mileage. During the quarantine it goes almost nowhere!

Instead, I have been binge reading: among many other books, Harry Potter; A Long Petal in the Sea (by Isabel Allende); a story of the Whitmans (my alma mater); Paris 1919, and have been especially loving C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity and the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and other Narnia Chronicles. (below Lewis and his poetess/writer wife Joy Davidman); Lion..., their home in Oxford, the Kilns. I re-watched Shadowlands )

I highly recommend watching The Chosen on YouTube, about the early part of Christ's ministry: wonderful cast, exciting events, so beautifully done. I can't wait for the second season. Whatever your religious views, I'm sure you will enjoy it.

And my housemates and I love puzzles. So far we have done 8 big ones. (below is the latest with 1000 pieces) Will we/they ever puzzle out the solutions, timing, full impact and best methods of dealing with the Pandemic? I fear (and to some small extent hope) our lives are forever changed. Perhaps gone are some of such idyllic scenes?

I saw these two pine trees, next to each other, growing so differently, and thought they were symbolic: the first represents social distancing during COVID-19, the second our coming back together soon, we hope. Fortunately our lives intertwine through technology and thoughts and love shared however possible. How will it be when we open up and get out again? I hope you are surviving physically, mentally, and emotionally, and have been able to reflect and find some positive aspects of this unusual time.

Happy May Day! Think of a way to share your love and friendship with others, especially those who feel isolated and lonely.

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